八木 祥光 写真展 「妖怪 三途の川を里帰り」
2009 年3 月3 日、愛知県の三河湾に浮かぶ佐久島に椿の群落地があると聞き出掛けた。北側の海岸沿いの原生林の暗闇に、藪椿が赤く怪しげに咲いていた。その日は快晴で海は大潮で岩の浜が見え、海岸に降りて見ることに。島の海岸線は長さが11.4キロkmで80 % が里山。浜辺は通常は海に隠れた状態。大潮の時だけ、砂地のない狭い浅瀬が数か所出現。私がいる浜は音もしなく、人影もない、太陽だけがギラギラと照る静寂で寂しい岩場。だが私にとっては宝の山が一杯。そこは約2500 万年前のタービダイト(英国名)と呼ばれる岩礁の浜。その見事さに驚き感激。タービダイトとは、山から河川が
砂岩や泥岩を海まで運び、長い年月を経て、海底で互層に形成された地層。日本全土や世界各地に存在する。大半が海底に眠るが、海流や地溝の変動で地上に露出した所もある。珍しいのは大潮時のみ海面上に姿を現す渚。そんな貴重な地層が、私の足元に心踊り興奮し感激。目の前の潮だまりにクラゲや貝がとり残され、周辺には三途の川から里がえりした妖怪がフレスコ風のレリーフに、浜を現世のステージに、鋭い視線と叫び声で何か警告を発しているようだ。妖怪のレリーフは自然がもたらした造化の神さまの力作のひとつ。深い感銘を受け20 回以上通い撮影した作品です。
A Yokai returned from the underworld
On March3,2009,I heard that there was a group of camellias on Sakushima Island in Mikawa Bay in Aichi Prefecture, so I visited it. In the primeval forestsalong the northern coast, the red flowers of camellias were blooming suspiciously. The day was clear, the sea was tide, the beach was roc ky and be autiful,and w e wentdown to the coast. The coastline of t he isiand is 11.4 kilometers. Eighty percent of the Islands are Mountain forest. The beach is always in the state of the sea. At high tide,fl at rocky shallows with no sand appear on the coast. There was no sound o n the beach,no p eople, only the
sun shining brightly It was a place of silence. And it was a treasure trove for me. There is a stunning geological formation called Tavidit e (British name) that is about 25 million years old. I was amazed and impressed by its magnifience. T ubidites are rock layers that form on the seabed over a long pe riod of ti me when river carry sandstone and mudstone from the mountai ns to the sea. Available throughout Japan and the world. Most of it lies beneath the sea,but some parts are expo sed onand due to ocean currents and tec tonic movements. Turbidites are rare because they only appear above sea level durin g spring tides。Such a precious layer of rock is right beneath my feet. Excited jellyfish and shellfish are left in the tide pool in fro nt of me,and in the vicinity、a the yokai that has returned from the the Three Rivers becomes a fresco- style relif. With the beach as a stage,he seems to be warning you with a sharp gaze and a shout. The relief of the monster is one of the masterpieces of the got of creation brought about by nature. I was deeply impressed by this work , and I went to it more than 20 times to shoo its.
2025年1月23日(木)~ 2月3日(月)
10:00 〜 18:00 最終日 15:00 まで
八木 祥光 Yagi Yoshimitsu
OM SYSTEM GALLERY(旧 オリンパスギャラリー東京)
東京都新宿区西新宿 1-24-1 エステック情報ビル B1F